Some SNGs

Didn't play that much today, wasn't really in the mood.

Didn't play that much today, wasn't really in the mood.

Titan SNGs

Started this evening with a few $0.50 SNGs on Titan.

  1. Darwin, finished 5th.
  2. Darwin, finished 1st.
  3. Darwin, finished 1st.
  4. Darwin, finished 7th.
  5. Darwin, finished 7th.
  6. Darwin, finished 3rd.
  7. Darwin, finished 7th.
  8. Darwin, finished 5th.
  9. Darwin, finished 5th.

Today's Progress (Titan)

Progress Made Today in Titan Poker
Start of Day$45.40
End of Day$46.00
Change+$0.60 (+1.3%)