In my previous article, Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority, I secured my Asterisk server with a Let's Encrypt certificate.
My StartSSL certificate for my calendar server expires in a few days. I'm going to use letsencrypt-auto's manual mode again to authenticate control of the domain and to request a new certificate.
The Calendar Server
The calendar server uses the port Apple devices assumes is the TLS port of a CalDAV server (port 8443).
As part of my transition to using rather than for my infrastructure (sub-)domains, my CSR will, as with my CSR for my Asterisk server, include two SANs ( and
My domain already has SRV records for caldavs and carddavs, I will just replace with
I will also need to delegate to Hurricane Electric, as I use their DNS for my DDNS records.
With that said, Let's Encrypt my calendar server.
Manual Mode
Like in my last article, I am going to be using manual mode as I want to do things myself.
So, on my laptop, I need to create two keys (one for backup) and a CSR.
cd /etc/ssl
sudo mkdir
sudo chgrp thejc
sudo chmod g+w .
openssl genrsa -out calendar_johncook_co_uk.key1 4096
openssl genrsa -aes256 -out calendar_johncook_co_uk.key2 4096
openssl req -new -sha256 -key /etc/ssl/ -subj "/C=GB/ST=Hertfordshire/L=Watford/O=John Cook/[]" -reqexts SAN -config <(cat /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf <(printf "[SAN]\,\nbasicConstraints=CA:FALSE\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature,keyEncipherment,keyAgreement\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth,clientAuth\nsubjectKeyIdentifier=hash\n")) -text
Double-check that the CSR looks OK, and if it does swap -text
with -out calendar_johncook_co_uk.csr -outform DER
openssl req -new -sha256 -key /etc/ssl/ -subj "/C=GB/ST=Hertfordshire/L=Watford/O=John Cook/[]" -reqexts SAN -config <(cat /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf <(printf "[SAN]\,\nbasicConstraints=CA:FALSE\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature,keyEncipherment,keyAgreement\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth,clientAuth\nsubjectKeyIdentifier=hash\n")) -out calendar_johncook_co_uk.csr -outform DER
Double-check the CSR again:
openssl req -text -in calendar_johncook_co_uk.csr -inform DER
Widen permissions on ~/lets-encrypt-data/ and copy the CSR:
sudo chmod 670 -R ~/lets-encrypt-data/
cd ~/lets-encrypt-data/
sudo -k
mkdir calendar_johncook_co_uk
cp /etc/ssl/ csr/
In another open shell, SSH to my home server and change directory to where I'll be storing the files:
cd /home/www/var/www/acme-challenge/
Update DNS
Double-check that the NS records for calendar_johncook_co_uk have reached the slave nameservers. They have reached the Esgob secondaries, but not the Hurricane Electric secondaries.
Login to Hurricane Electric DNS and force an AXFR (manage the zone, click the validate button). Wait a few minutes and have another look. Look's like Hurricane Electric are being slow at processing changes today, so I'm going to have to wait longer.
Until that happens I cannot create a zone for at HE DNS nor can I create a DDNS A record.
It took a few hours for HE DNS to process the AXFR, but with the zone delegated and DDNS setup, I can now move on to domain authentication and certificate creation.
Create Certificate
Back on my laptop, use the CSR to request a certificate:
/opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto -c ~/lets-encrypt-data/config/letsencrypt.conf auth -a manual --csr ~/lets-encrypt-data/csr/calendar_johncook_co_uk.csr
- NOTE: The IP of this machine will be publicly logged as having requested this certificate. If you're running letsencrypt in manual mode on a machine that is not your server, please ensure you're okay with that. Are you OK with your IP being logged?
- Yes
Make sure your web server displays the following content at before continuing: qmPz-qjVBInp-k8xIr34HupzhHEE8CPnL9H3rsndi-Q.DoF45VJtf5D8xFPlklYLoX5kqLn0w4Ys7uEase57yQs If you don't have HTTP server configured, you can run the following command on the target server (as root): mkdir -p /tmp/letsencrypt/public_html/.well-known/acme-challenge cd /tmp/letsencrypt/public_html printf "%s" qmPz-qjVBInp-k8xIr34HupzhHEE8CPnL9H3rsndi-Q.DoF45VJtf5D8xFPlklYLoX5kqLn0w4Ys7uEase57yQs > .well-known/acme-challenge/qmPz-qjVBInp-k8xIr34HupzhHEE8CPnL9H3rsndi-Q # run only once per server: $(command -v python2 || command -v python2.7 || command -v python2.6) -c \ "import BaseHTTPServer, SimpleHTTPServer; \ s = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', 80), SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler); \ s.serve_forever()" Press ENTER to continue
- Create authentication file on home server
echo 'qmPz-qjVBInp-k8xIr34HupzhHEE8CPnL9H3rsndi-Q.DoF45VJtf5D8xFPlklYLoX5kqLn0w4Ys7uEase57yQs' > /home/www/var/www/acme-challenge/qmPz-qjVBInp-k8xIr34HupzhHEE8CPnL9H3rsndi-Q
- Press ENTER to continue
- NOTE: The IP of this machine will be publicly logged as having requested this certificate. If you're running letsencrypt in manual mode on a machine that is not your server, please ensure you're okay with that. Are you OK with your IP being logged?
- Yes
Make sure your web server displays the following content at before continuing: ZMLih0TfHclbXCU_TMUWIN9on025h5dwXjPmQXWWcF8.DoF45VJtf5D8xFPlklYLoX5kqLn0w4Ys7uEase57yQs If you don't have HTTP server configured, you can run the following command on the target server (as root): mkdir -p /tmp/letsencrypt/public_html/.well-known/acme-challenge cd /tmp/letsencrypt/public_html printf "%s" ZMLih0TfHclbXCU_TMUWIN9on025h5dwXjPmQXWWcF8.DoF45VJtf5D8xFPlklYLoX5kqLn0w4Ys7uEase57yQs > .well-known/acme-challenge/ZMLih0TfHclbXCU_TMUWIN9on025h5dwXjPmQXWWcF8 # run only once per server: $(command -v python2 || command -v python2.7 || command -v python2.6) -c \ "import BaseHTTPServer, SimpleHTTPServer; \ s = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', 80), SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler); \ s.serve_forever()" Press ENTER to continue
- Create authentication file on home server
echo 'ZMLih0TfHclbXCU_TMUWIN9on025h5dwXjPmQXWWcF8.DoF45VJtf5D8xFPlklYLoX5kqLn0w4Ys7uEase57yQs' > /home/www/var/www/acme-challenge/ZMLih0TfHclbXCU_TMUWIN9on025h5dwXjPmQXWWcF8
- Press ENTER to continue
IMPORTANT NOTES: - Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at /home/thejc/lets-encrypt-data/0000_chain.pem. Your cert will expire on 2016-03-03. To obtain a new version of the certificate in the future, simply run Let's Encrypt again. - If like Let's Encrypt, please consider supporting our work by: Donating to ISRG / Let's Encrypt: Donating to EFF:
Creating Chained Certificate for NGINX
NGINX needs the server certificate to be concatenated with the intermediary certificate. Although the root certificate can also be concatenated, it is not only unnecessary but increases the size of what is sent to a client on connection, potentially increasing the number of round trips to setup a connection.
mkdir calendar_johncook_co_uk
mv 0000* calendar_johncook_co_uk
cat calendar_johncook_co_uk/0000_certs ca/lets-encrypt-x1-cross-signed.pem > calendar_johncook_co_uk/calendar_johncook_co_uk.chained.pem
Install New Certificate and Key
cp /etc/ssl/ calendar_johncook_co_uk/
Over on my home server:
rm /home/www/var/www/acme-challenge/*
cd /etc/ssl/
sudo mkdir
sudo chgrp thejc
sudo chmod 775
Back on laptop, copy files across and secure permissions:
scp calendar_johncook_co_uk/calendar_johncook_co_uk.* thejc@home:/etc/ssl/
rm calendar_johncook_co_uk/calendar_johncook_co_uk.key1
sudo chmod 600 -R /home/thejc/lets-encrypt-data
sudo chmod 400 -R /etc/ssl/
Back on home server, edit NGINX configuration to add new hostname and swap to new certificate and key:
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/calendar_thejc_me_uk
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/;
sudo service nginx configtest && sudo service nginx reload
openssl s_client -connect -CAfile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
The new key and certificate are installed and being used for new connections.
Add OCSP Stapling
On my VPS I already have a script I wrote that deals with OCSP stapling files.
cd ~/Scripts
URL=$(openssl x509 -in "$SERVER_CER" -text | grep "OCSP - URI:" | cut -d: -f2,3)
HOST=$(echo "$URL" | awk -F/ '{print $3}')
echo "CA=$CA_FILE"
echo "URL=$URL"
echo "HOST=$HOST"
openssl ocsp -no_nonce -respout "$CACHED_OCSP" -issuer "$ISSUER_CER" -cert "$SERVER_CER" -url "$URL" -header HOST "$HOST" -CAfile "$CA_FILE" -VAfile "$CA_FILE"
Add the necessary files:
sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/
cd /etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/
sudo chgrp thejc .
sudo chmod 770 .
sudo update-ca-certificates
sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates
Add all the new certificates to the trust store.
Download the intermediate certificates:
wget --trust-server-names ''
wget --trust-server-names ''
wget --trust-server-names ''
wget --trust-server-names ''
The ISRG Root X1 certificate is not currently in the trusted certificate store in Debian, so I need to download it.
wget --trust-server-names ''
Concatenate the ISRG Root X1 Certificate with the DST Root CA X3 certificate and the intermediate certificate:
cat isrg* lets* ../certs/DST_Root_CA_X3.pem > ca-bundle.pem
Create the OCSP stapling file:
chmod +x /home/thejc/Scripts/
/home/thejc/Scripts/ /etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/lets-encrypt-x1-cross-signed.pem /etc/ssl/ /etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/ca-bundle.pem /etc/ssl/
ISSUER=/etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/lets-encrypt-x1-cross-signed.pem SERVER=/etc/ssl/ CA=/etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/ca-bundle.pem OCSP_CACHE=/etc/ssl/ URL= Error loading file /etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/ca-bundle.pem 140357445670544:error:0906D066:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:bad end line:pem_lib.c:802: 140357445670544:error:0B084009:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:PEM lib:by_file.c:280:
One of the files didn't end on a newline. Open the offending file in a text editor that automatically adds a newline to the end of a file, and then save it.
nano letsencryptauthorityx2.pem
You can use the -L
option with nano to tell it not to automatically end files with a newline, if you want to manually add the newline. Alternatively, just opening it (without -L) and saving will add a newline.
Now we need to create ca-bundle again:
rm ca-bundle.pem
cat isrg* lets* ../certs/DST_Root_CA_X3.pem > ca-bundle.pem
And create the OCSP stapling file:
/home/thejc/Scripts/ /etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/lets-encrypt-x1-cross-signed.pem /etc/ssl/ /etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/ca-bundle.pem /etc/ssl/
ISSUER=/etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/lets-encrypt-x1-cross-signed.pem SERVER=/etc/ssl/ CA=/etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/ca-bundle.pem OCSP_CACHE=/etc/ssl/ URL= Response verify OK /etc/ssl/ good This Update: Dec 4 14:00:00 2015 GMT Next Update: Dec 11 14:00:00 2015 GMT
Now I need to tell NGINX about it.
To copy my VPS set-up, I have 2 include files:
- nginx.ssl-stapling
- nginx.ssl-stapling-startssl
sudo nano /etc/nginx/includes/nginx.ssl-stapling
This file already exists, and contains the following:
ssl_stapling on;
ssl_stapling_verify on;
resolver [fdf4:90db:f24c:72ca:df4d:b9ee:be0b:c37d] [2001:470:1f09:38d::fcf4:53] [
ln -s isrgrootx1.pem ca.pem
sudo nano /etc/nginx/includes/nginx.ssl-stapling-letsencrypt
include /etc/nginx/includes/nginx.ssl-stapling;
ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/ca.pem;
Add the OCSP cache file and the Let's Encrypt OCSP stapling include to the vhost:
include /etc/nginx/includes/nginx.ssl-stapling-letsencrypt;
ssl_stapling_file /etc/ssl/
Finally, test the config, reload nginx, and check OCSP stapling is working:
sudo service nginx configtest && sudo service nginx reload
openssl s_client -connect -CAfile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt -status
CONNECTED(00000003) depth=2 O = Digital Signature Trust Co., CN = DST Root CA X3 verify return:1 depth=1 C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X1 verify return:1 depth=0 CN = verify return:1 OCSP response: ====================================== OCSP Response Data: OCSP Response Status: successful (0x0) Response Type: Basic OCSP Response Version: 1 (0x0) Responder Id: C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X1 Produced At: Dec 4 14:43:00 2015 GMT Responses: Certificate ID: Hash Algorithm: sha1 Issuer Name Hash: BC5772E2797C56E39994598D75A4A3D24C4C85C5 Issuer Key Hash: A84A6A63047DDDBAE6D139B7A64565EFF3A8ECA1 Serial Number: 0140DCF3591635E85090C4497CBCBEEE3042 Cert Status: good This Update: Dec 4 14:00:00 2015 GMT Next Update: Dec 11 14:00:00 2015 GMT Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption 94:63:b9:cb:6b:df:ce:84:3a:12:50:5c:33:48:7c:be:49:00: 6a:c0:b6:dc:58:a2:d7:cb:92:ab:36:c3:41:f8:b5:d9:8a:7a: c0:d0:16:84:f3:30:7d:98:53:fb:4e:d3:f3:e0:29:e1:6e:16: da:ee:74:b2:01:8a:94:ca:cd:31:3a:8d:7f:5b:02:fc:51:1d: db:aa:f3:54:25:a2:83:7d:a1:07:5b:10:48:98:f5:cd:b1:a5: e2:35:fe:8d:04:54:c5:f8:9a:33:2d:23:aa:b8:a6:b8:07:88: 8d:68:1b:68:67:a0:c0:a2:a3:09:cb:84:4b:17:8c:98:f0:b1: 25:3d:d3:72:8b:63:63:79:a5:e5:ab:a7:89:a6:a6:8b:fc:08: 23:59:46:c7:57:4c:89:55:ed:32:eb:13:a7:9a:e8:c6:49:81: be:7f:e7:f0:c1:d8:57:3e:64:e8:57:72:b5:e2:bd:84:c8:81: 37:cb:ef:24:4c:66:aa:e4:19:cc:5d:69:5e:83:2b:e6:d0:f2: 1e:09:04:4c:38:eb:80:0d:91:cd:f9:92:ea:3b:e4:50:bc:59: de:9c:db:bd:ad:a2:95:80:ec:5a:80:d2:fc:ac:a4:90:a8:2c: 02:2b:fd:01:da:44:45:83:29:ee:7f:2d:52:63:0c:14:9a:84: 3c:c5:e9:3e ====================================== …
In future OCSP cache files will be updated using root's cron, so I can now tighten up permissions:
sudo chown root -R /etc/ssl/
sudo chmod 464 /etc/ssl/
sudo chmod 420 /etc/ssl/
sudo chmod 644 /etc/ssl/
Updating OCSP Cache
This is going to be simple. I am going to create a script and add the script to root's crontab.
nano ~/Scripts/
/home/thejc/Scripts/ /etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/lets-encrypt-x1-cross-signed.pem /etc/ssl/asterisk/sip_johncook_co_uk.chained.pem /etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/ca-bundle.pem /etc/ssl/asterisk/ocsp_cache.resp
/home/thejc/Scripts/ /etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/lets-encrypt-x1-cross-signed.pem /etc/ssl/ /etc/ssl/LetsEncrypt/ca-bundle.pem /etc/ssl/
/usr/sbin/service nginx configtest && /usr/sbin/service nginx reload
chmod +x ~/Scripts/
sudo crontab -e
# Update OCSP caches
02 2 * * Mon,Wed,Fri,Sat /home/thejc/Scripts/
For subsequent domains and certificates, I will just do the initial stapling and then add the command to
The reason the cron job is run 4 times a week is because it is the closest way of running it every 48 hours.
Renewing the Certificate
Let's Encrypt states the following about renewals:
To renew a certificate, simply run
Let's Encrypt. Renewing a Certificate. In How it Worksletsencrypt
again providing the same values when prompted. Let’s Encrypt is working hard to fully automate this process and we apologize for the inconvenience until this functionality is ready.
What I think that basically means is when you want to renew a certificate you just run letsencrypt-auto
again feeding it exactly the same options/answers it was fed when the certificate was created.
So, in the case of the certificate created in this article:
/opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto -c ~/lets-encrypt-data/config/letsencrypt.conf auth -a manual --csr ~/lets-encrypt-data/csr/calendar_johncook_co_uk.csr
Since some of the options in my configuration file don't seem to work, that will dump the new certificate (and the chain files) into the current directory.
My directory naming structure means that a certificate is found in the directory below ~/lets-encrypt-data/ with the directory and files having the same name as the Common Name in the certificate, with the dots replaced with underscores.
Likewise, on my home server the certificates are found in the directory below /etc/ssl/ with the directory name of the Common Name in the certificate, and the files have the dots replaced with underscores. With the exception of my asterisk certificates, which are stored in /etc/ssl/asterisk/.
I don't yet know if I need to authenticate and prove I have control over a domain when renewing or not.
While I cannot completely script the entire renewal process until I have seen it in action a few times, I can do some scripting.
Programitcally Determining What Certificates Need Renewing
As long as I keep to my directory and file naming convention, this should be simple.
First, I need a list of directories:
cd /home/thejc/lets-encrypt-data/
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name '*_*' | sed 's,^./,,'
calendar_johncook_co_uk sip_johncook_co_uk
With those, I can then check if a certificate expires in the next 1,209,600 seconds (14 days). For example:
find calendar_johncook_co_uk -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*_certs' | sort | tail -n 1 | xargs openssl x509 -checkend 1209600 -noout -in
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo Expiring Soon; fi
For a simple script, I will need one loop:
cd /home/thejc/lets-encrypt-data
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name '*_*' | sed 's,^./,,' > dirs.tmp
while read directory; do
cd $directory
LATEST_CERT=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*_certs' | sort | tail -n 1 | sed 's,^./,,')
openssl x509 -checkend 1209600 -noout -in "$LATEST_CERT" > /dev/null
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
REMOTE_DIR=$(echo "/etc/ssl/$directory" | sed 's,_,.,g;s,$,asterisk,')
echo "$LATEST_CERT in $directory expires within a fortnight!"
echo "Remote directory is $REMOTE_DIR/"
cd ..
done < dirs.tmp
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
rm dirs.tmp
Obviously the echo lines will need replacing with the certificate renewing, bundling, and transferring, and I'll also need a way to tell NGINX on my home server to reload.
One way of getting NGINX to reload would be a cron job on my Web servers that calls a script that runs a configtest and reload. I would have to add a safeguard in case I'm editing NGINX files though, which I could probably do using find
with the -newermt
Once I start using certificates on my VPS, I'll also need to add case statements so the files are sent to the right server(s). I'll need 3 cases:
- Certificates only used on home.
- Certificates only used on vps3.
- Certificates used on both home and vps3.
Client Version
I am not sure if letsencrypt-auto
updates itself or not when it does the dependency checking.
If it doesn't, then the possible reason the filenames don't match those elsewhere is because I cloned the git repository before the public beta opened.
The next time I request a new certificate (or request a renewal) I will have a pull the latest changes from the repo before running the commands and seeing what happens. It might just be a side-effect of running in manual mode, or my configuration file might have an error I can't see.
I think I have grasped the basics of how the client works, the next question is whether I need to create acme-challenge files on renewals.
If I do, then complete automation with manual mode is probably out of the question. I may well decide to write a C client at a later date, but that will likely have to wait until I have done some more work on my EPP client.